There’s Gold in Them Thar Pills
Like the ’49ers, many health systems are waking up to tremendous opportunities in ambulatory/outpatient pharmacy. The rush to open pharmacies of all types and become a player in the amazing specialty pharmacy boom reminds us of the 300,000 people who hit the trail, the largest migration in U.S. history, to strike it rich.
Most of the so-called ’49ers ended up broke or empty handed. In contrast, profits reliably went to those who provided ancillary services along the way – outfitters, hoteliers, guides, and others who profited from this mass movement. There’s an analogy here.
An industry of advisors and experts is emerging to guide and provide ancillary services and outsourcing to health systems in this pharmacy gold rush. Many suggest that you cannot navigate the journey without their support. But if the roadmap they present involves adding solutions you cannot control, or are not comprehensive or integrated, failure is likely.
ScriptPro supports health systems who want to chart their own course by insourcing solutions. We help you map the trail and reliably manage outcomes. We provide the systems, the picks and shovels, to ensure that the journey will be successful, sustainable, and revenue positive.
Your fundamental mission is to help patients manage health related problems and maintain quality of life in an outpatient setting. This is where the real gold lies – both for your organization and for society in general. It is no wonder that there is an awakening to this gleaming future.
The roadmap does not require an outsourcing partner. You can leverage ScriptPro’s maps, plans, and picks and shovels – the systems – and mine your own values.